Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Redemptive Judgment - Almighty Authority Over the Nations Pt1

December 06, 2019

Christian Overcomers or Lukewarm -Messages to Seven Churches Pt7| | WIBR/WARN Radio

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Almighty Authority - There does stand today multitudes of people and nations who are in the valley of decision. In fact, Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision Joel says. He doesn’t mince words. Israel faced judgment. Both houses of Israel faced Judgment. Today the nations of men act more like their own Gods and masters with no regard nor fear of the True and living God.

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Almighty Authority - It is true even in America. We flaunt sins and call for more blatant sins to be acknowledged as normal. It is our right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. No matter the cost. No matter the perversion. We have legislated our morality to our lusts. While there are abominations in America, the nations of men have done the same thing. No matter who the nation is, their sins will be found out on the day of judgment which approaches.  The clear alternative is to make the right choice for your soul as you stand among the multitudes in the valley of decision