Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

King of Babylon Ode Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt21 on Battle Lines

October 17, 2019

King of Babylon Ode Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt21 on Battle Lines | | WIBR/WARN

King of Babylon Ode introduces us to part 21 of Isaiah's Prophetic book. This is now chapter 14 of Isaiah. A very prophetic section and one that Christians today can find hope in the fact of redemption and forgiveness. Jacob sinned, met with judgment, captivity, tribulation; but now they find Hope and Mercy. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of Good cheer; "I have overcome the world" our Lord said.

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King of Babylon Ode The Lord God had done something. Sent Jacob into Captivity. But now the redemptive Lord looks upon Jacob. In the wrath because of Judah's sin, they would no longer be in captivity. Deliverance is coming and now they will see their captors brought low. Included in this section is the King of Babylon Ode, as I call it. A very prophetic portion of scripture.