Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Advocacy World Gospel News China, India, Syria, and more from Warn Radio

October 16, 2019

Advocacy World Gospel News China, India, Syrian conflict, Iraq, Prophetic dream, Uganda, Nigeria, Cuba more Warn Radio from WIBR/WARN Radio |

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Advocacy World Gospel News covers upfront stories on China and India. Further we discuss the Syrian and Iraqi conficts, delve into a prophetic dream, and then move to other stories as we have time. These include the latest on Uganda, Nigeria, and Cuba.

Advocacy World Gospel News The Apostle Paul describes that the perilous times in the last days would be filled with evil men and women. They would be self-absorbed, greedy, proud, blasphemers, and unholy. Further, these people would be without natural affection, meaning an natural god given proclivities would be replaced by immoral and godless affections and appetites. These descriptions alone fit today's societies. Driven by greed and their own goals, these would stop at nothing to get it done. Even bloodshed, lying, stealing, and conniving behavior.