Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Wells of Salvation Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt18 on Battle Lines

September 26, 2019

Wells of Salvation Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt18 on Battle Lines | | WIBR/WARN



Wells of Salvation - We conclude with our look into the rule and reign of the Greater Son of David. The millennial kingdom being described in part gives a glimpse into the eternal to come and the righteous peace which will be given. Continuing on we find the Burden of Babylon; here we find judgment upon the nation which invaded Judah. It was God who used Babylon to judge Judah for her sins. However, in pride Babylon rises to what is coming.


Wells of Salvation -That which awaits will sting, hurt, and be terrible. For Babylon the Judgment of God will not wait much longer on this kingdom.  In addition, the once judged Judah and her people now come into the refreshing and reuniting with their God. The redemption was the purpose in judgment then and still is today.



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