Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Holy Mountain Righteousness Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt17 on Battle Lines

September 19, 2019

Holy Mountain Righteousness - It will be the place of the King of Righteousness and judgment. The whole earth shall be filled with his glory. In Holy Mountain Righteousness we find the true nature of our God and King in his blessings where he resides with his saints.


Holy Mountain Righteousness- This week in Part 17 of Isaiah's Prophetic book we look at the Holy Mountain along with the righteousness and the characteristics the Prophet describes. It will be the place of the Christ, the Son of God, the Greater Son of David; Yeshua Ha Massiach, Jesus Christ our Lord. It is here that the Gentiles have sought to come. It is here that in this Messiach the Jews will have a Savior. It is here that as Paul says; there will be no male or female, Jew or Gentile; but we will be all One in Christ Jesus.


Holy Mountain Righteousness - The established Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua haMassiach, the Branch shall reign in Righteousness. It is here after the judgments on Judah we find prophecies that all Jew and Gentile should rejoice in. The one knowing God grafted in the Gentiles. The other knowing that the Branch shall be known by Israel. Paul the Apostle to the gentiles gives an indepth discussion of this in Romans 11. Yet the chapters Isaiah 11-12 gives us an exhilitrating look at the rule of the Branch, his kingdom, and the millenium.


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