Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Lord's Judgment on Pride Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt13 on Battle Lines

August 08, 2019

Lord's Judgment on Pride Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt13 on Battle Lines | | WIBR/WARN



Lord's Judgment on Pride- Got Pride? Well in the human endeavor Pride is never far away. At times it inflates the personal ego. Other times it inflates an entire nation as it glories in sin. The nation lifts up the humanistic endeavor and achievements; including the freedom to sin.


Lord's Judgment on Pride - Nothing to hide here, we dare God the world says by it's actions. As we speak of the sin of Judah and Israel, we do not forget the nations. Isaiah addresses it all. Be warned Oh nations of Men, the Lord is "the Governor of the nations", Psalm 22:28. It is no wonder here that the heathen king Sennarcherib is heading straight to defeat. Then he will be killed. The reward for wickedness and pride. Yet today, all people can find forgiveness and redemption. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, there awaits for you the gift of an eternity with the Lord and his Father and our Great God. Mercy or Judgment! Which will it be for you?


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website