Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Global Christian Advocacy, China's Human Rights, Migrants to US,More Gospel News

August 07, 2019

Global Christian Advocacy, China's Human Rights, ChinaAid, Migrants to US, Syrian Christians, Erdogan Syrian war, Demon possession, USA Peril, Mexico Protestants, Philippine Pastor killed, USA attack, Prayer, Myanmar,  Gospel News, Prophecy, from WIBR/WARN Radio |


Global Christian Advocacy- There is no doubt today we do hear of wars and rumors of war. In addition the ongoing persecution of Christians continues. When the Apostle Paul spoke of Perilous times; we know today what that means.


Global Christian Advocacy- Whether in Sudan or China, Pakistan or India; troubled times of persecution of Christians occur. In America, the division and trouble in our nation is ongoing. Yet today, Global Christian Advocacy continues in the trouble times of the end of Days. This week we discuss China, migrants, USA in peril, Mexico, Philippines, prayer, and more on this weeks Warn Radio Christian Advocacy.



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