Walking with Jesus Today | BizLynks TV Network

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The Plan of Salvation: Jesus Christ Is My Savior and LORD – Lesson 19
GOD deeply loved His human creation that He gave His One of a kind and Only Son as the ransom to pay the penalty of the second death (Lesson 11) that man had earned as a result of his sin, his continual disobedience to the commands of GOD. (John 3:16-18)
Plan of Salvation: Separation of Man From GOD – Lesson 18
The separation of GOD's human creation from Him is the focused heartbreak of GOD. His beloved creation being out of direct communion and engagement with Him is not His intended purpose in created mankind; the jewel of His creation.
Plan of Salvation: I Am a Creation of GOD – Lesson 17
The Scriptures declare that before the foundations of the earth, GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) prepared the plan of salvation. For people to clearly understand the significance of this great gift, we must understand,
The Cry of Eternal Victory – Lesson 16
Many who do not believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament Christian Bible and the Torah, believe that this cry, "It is finished!" of Jesus as He hung on the cross and as He gave up His Spirit, to be a cry of defeat.
The Cross: The Power of GOD – Lesson 15
Many say that the cross is where Jesus faced His demise. Those of us who believe understand that the cross is representative of the power of GOD's WORD. The cross, to those who believe in Jesus as LORD and Savior,
Who Is Jesus, Really? LORD and Savior – Lesson 14
Christians proclaim Jesus to be our LORD and Savior; however, many us do not fully understand what we are saying by this proclamation. In our continuing series study, Who Is Jesus, Really? the Spirit of GOD provides a clear understanding of what these ...
Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the True Vine – Lesson 13
In His seventh (7th) and final I AM statement, "I AM the True Vine," Jesus again declares His deity. He then begins to explain His relationship to GOD, GOD's relationship to Him, GOD's relationship to people and Jesus's relationship to people.
Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life – Lesson 12
How does one find the way to Heaven or attain salvation? What is the real truth regarding how we can be saved? What is eternal life really? Jesus addressed these questions in His sixth (6th) I AM statement, declaring "I AM the Way,
Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Resurrection and the Life – Lesson 11
Jesus has declared that He is the Resurrection and the Life. What does this really mean to those who believe in the name of Jesus? What does it really mean to those who do not believe in the name of Jesus? Jesus explains simply,
Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Good Shepherd – Lesson 10
Jesus has declared boldly to the Jewish people His Deity with His seven (7) "I AM" statements. Today He declares, "I AM the Good Shepherd" Who lays down His life for His sheep. Will you accept Him as your Good Shepherd today?