Waking Up to Narcissism

Waking Up to Narcissism

Healing Childhood Neglect: The Roots of People Pleasing and Narcissism

June 13, 2024

Tony delves into the origins of people pleasers, empaths, highly sensitive individuals, and the emotionally immature, highlighting the similarities that arise from childhood abandonment and neglect. He explains that even the best parents can't always be emotionally available for their children and how various factors influence how we show up for ourselves and our relationships with partners and children. Tony explores the pivotal moments where a child might develop narcissistic-like behaviors versus becoming a people pleaser and emphasizes that with awareness, healing can begin. This healing journey not only benefits individuals but also positively impacts their children. Tony also shares listeners' stories and a poem, providing insights into how childhood experiences shape narcissistic traits and pathological kindness in adults. Join us to learn how to recognize, validate, and address your emotional needs as you embark on your path to emotional well-being and healthier relationships.

Tony references Jonice Webb Ph.D.'s article "Why Emotional Neglect Can Feel Like Abandonment" https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/childhood-emotional-neglect/202303/why-emotional-neglect-can-feel-like-abandonment and Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D.'s article "The Truth About Narcissistic Personality Disorder" https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-narcissism/201708/the-truth-about-narcissistic-personality-disorder? in this episode.

00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

01:09 Listener's Poem: A Day After You

05:10 Starting Today's Topic: Emotional Neglect and Immaturity

07:25 Exploring Childhood Neglect and Narcissism

14:38 Attachment Theory and Emotional Development

20:49 Emotional Neglect and Its Long-Term Effects

24:58 Understanding Childhood Emotional Needs

25:25 The Invisible Impact of Emotional Neglect

26:43 The Importance of Emotional Validation

28:58 Teaching Emotional Education

34:13 The Consequences of Emotional Neglect

39:13 Healing from Emotional Neglect

42:20 Exploring Emotional Immaturity

46:54 Final Thoughts and Reflections

Available NOW Tony's "Magnetic Marriage Mini-Course" only $25. https://magneticmarriage.mykajabi.com/magnetic-marriage-mini-course

Find all the latest links to podcasts, courses, Tony's newsletter, and more at https://linktr.ee/virtualcouch

Subscribe to Tony's latest podcast, "Waking Up to Narcissism Q&A - Premium Podcast," on the Apple Podcast App. 


You can learn more about Tony's pornography recovery program, The Path Back, by visiting http://pathbackrecovery.com And visit http://tonyoverbay.com and sign up to receive updates on upcoming programs and podcasts.

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