Waking Up to Narcissism

Waking Up to Narcissism

Abuse, God, and Self-Discovery with Ryan Anderson, PhD., LMFT, and Author of 'The Choice to Leave Abuse'

November 29, 2023

How does abuse impact an individual's spirituality and relationship with God? And how critical is it for a spiritual leader to be non-judgmental, empathetic, and compassionate when someone comes into their office talking about abuse? These critical questions are at the heart of today’s episode. Tony Overbay, LMFT, engages in an insightful conversation with Ryan Anderson, PhD, LMFT, and author of "The Choice to Leave Abuse." This episode explores the complex issue of abuse, especially within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), and addresses many common misconceptions about the role of the authority figure in a church congregation. 

They touch on the prevalence and damaging effects of emotional immaturity and narcissistic traits on relationships and in church leadership. A significant part of the discussion focuses on epigenetics, shedding light on how abuse impacts individuals at a genetic level and offers hope for healing and growth.

The episode also addresses the sensitive topic of spiritual abuse within the LDS community. Overbay and Anderson examine the hesitancy of community leaders to confront and address abuse, highlighting the urgent need for supportive environments. They dissect the stigmas and misconceptions in the community, emphasizing the importance of making decisions prioritizing personal well-being and safety.

While centered on the LDS community, the themes discussed in this episode have universal relevance. Topics like emotional intelligence, the far-reaching impact of abuse, and the crucial role of support for survivors transcend religious and cultural boundaries. The conversation between Overbay and Anderson serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empowerment and support for survivors, asserting that spirituality and one's relationship with God should aid, not hinder, the journey to overcome abuse.

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Go to http://tonyoverbay.com/workshop to sign up for Tony's "Magnetize Your Marriage" virtual workshop. The cost is only $19, and you'll learn the top 3 things you can do NOW to create a Magnetic Marriage. 

You can learn more about Tony's pornography recovery program, The Path Back, by visiting http://pathbackrecovery.com And visit http://tonyoverbay.com and sign up to receive updates on upcoming programs and podcasts.

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