Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys #6 – Dealing With Harmful Stress On Body

January 04, 2016

When dealing with stress or the daily rub,  Be Focused. There are things that happen to our emotional and physical bodies everyday.

How you handle stress has everything to do with Happy, Sad, Mad or Glad and your relationship with everything and everybody.

How you are perceiving certain events releases hormones into your body that regulate, mood, heart rate etc. It is important to realize that the way you frame events control fight or flight, sadness, loneliness, happiness etc.

As we are growing up we learn how to handle or frame certain situations and we learn mostly from our parents. If they were high strung or high drama we are more likely to be more sensitive to certain stresses and we will most likely respond like they did.

Recognize this pattern and make a conscience effort to come up with a different way to frame stressful situations.  Ways that will create calm and ease.

Stress lowers the immune system and lowers energy levels.

Ask yourself some important questions:

What is great about this situation that I haven't seen yet?
What is a way I can look at this situation that will bring me joy?
I know there is a positive lesson being made available to me. I wonder what it is?
How can I see this from a completely different view point?

If you are in a state of curiosity you are not in a state of resistance.  If you are not in a state of resistance your body has a stronger immune system and your hormones can flow freely and naturally.

What if this event is the most enlightening event in your life and you don't use it to your advantage? Every situation gives you an opportunity to choose drama, trauma or peace and joy.


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