One Question

BREATHWORK FOR LIFE with Benjamin Berry
If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?
“Breathing and breathwork! Learning how something we do unconsciously can impact our life if we were more conscious about it.”
Benjamin Berry (or Benny as he’s well known) has dedicated his professional career to assisting the community in times of need. From an Ocean Lifeguard, Underground Search & Rescue Team Leader and a Firefighter, he has been faced with some of the most challenging circumstances that can be presented to humans.
Through injury, Benny not only found the power to take his physical health into his own hands, but the ability to connect with the essence of what it is to be human. With breathwork and cold exposure guiding him, his life broadened from rolling through the motions of everyday living, to the expansion of discovering himself as his own man with the power to choose the life he wants to live.
Benny is a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and now works full time delivering workshops based on this method and other practices he has utilised throughout his career and his own journey of personal health and growth.
You may recognise Benny from the devastating floods that occurred in the Northern Rivers region of Australia earlier in 2022. Frustrated by stranded and suffering locals not getting the assistance they needed, Benny took to social media to share what was really going on there and to gain assistance. He’s such a giving, caring person & I have been really looking forward to sitting down to get to know him more. Please enjoy this wonderful and interesting conversation the facinating Benny Berry.
For more information about Benny, check out these places;-
Instagram: @your.mate.benny
The easiest way for people to have a go at the Wim Hof Method breathwork by themselves is to play this 11 minute youtube clip and breathe along with Wim:
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