One Question

One Question

EMOTIONAL STATES with Mark Stephens

June 28, 2022

If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?

We all know what it’s like to be angry, sad, fearful, hurt, guilty, bored, frustrated etc. The problem is we often get stuck in these states. Most people have no idea on how to help people snap out of a negative state and flip the switch to a positive state.”


As we ride the rollercoaster of life, we realise that not every day will go to plan, and our positive state may change to a negative one, and vice versa. One minute we may be feeling happy, content, calm, energetic or excited and then something happens to change our state. We end up feeling stressed, frustrated, angry, sad or any one of a hundred other states. This is pretty normal. Imagine if more people knew how to help someone change their state. This is the area of expertise of my guest today, author, meditation and hypnosis expert, Mark Stephens.


Mark has transformed many lives, including elite athletes, war survivors, CEOs, Celebrities and thousands of everyday people. Mark created the ground-breaking programs; Think Slim, Think Calm, Think Sleep and Think Quit and the Mind Free app. He’s the author of several books, the latest being Mind Free which is aimed at guiding the reader through mindful self-hynosis.


Mark is an irreverent and facinatlng man and I was looking forward to this interview for a while. Please enjoy this incredibly interesting conversation with Mark Stephens. 


For more information about Mark, check out these places;-

Find his new book Mind Free here:



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AND, if you have a burning topic you’d love society to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on the One Question podcast, drop me a line at