One Question

A NEW NAME - series 3 intro
Welcome back to the land of Wabi Sabi Series! I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long from your ears… I’ve had a bit of work to do on the podcast behind the scenes before I launched Series 3.
Having a platform like this & a forum to talk about such interesting things is great when you start out…but once you start growing and getting more listeners and feedback on your episodes (which I love!), I've felt a growing sense to continually improve it and make it even better for you.
One of the things that was coming up constantly was that the title was a bit confusing to people. They couldn’t work out in a short glance exactly what the podcast was about. And whilst I absolutely love the premise of Wabi Sabi (and encompass the philosophy of beauty within imperfection into my life daily), the name for this pod needed to be clearer.
After a tonne of research, we’ve landed at our new name - ONE QUESTION. This came from the simplicity that whilst I talk about uncomfortable and sometimes taboo topics, the entire podcast stems around the one question that I ask the guest right at the start - and the conversation goes any-which way from there.
Other than the name though - the format will be largely unchanged so I hope you stick around to hear some incredible conversations which some really interesting people that I’ve got coming your way. And in the meantime, if there was one topic you wish society should talk more about, what would it be?
Head to for more information about the ONE QUESTION podcast or your host.
Connect with Michelle on Instagram here:- @michellejcox
Connect with Michelle on Facebook here - @michellejcox
AND, if you have a burning topic you’d love society to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on our podcast, drop me a line at