One Question

One Question

DEMYSTIFYING MONEY - with Kirsty Dunphey

June 09, 2020

If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?

“Women end up with less money in the world and I want to know why & why we are not more concerned about this.”

Kirsty Dunphey grew up immersed in an entrepreneurial wonderland: parents who had their own businesses and rental properties, who escaped the rat race and retired in their 30’s and who enveloped her in that culture where she worked in their businesses from a young age.

Kirsty is a serial entrepreneur that started early in her teens with her first two businesses & two part time jobs under her belt at the ripe age of 15; then her own award winning real estate agency by 21 that led her to become a self-made millionaire by 23; a self-made multi-millionaire by 25 and the ability to completely retire for rest of her life at the age of 27. Life goals right there people!

Kirsty is a National Telstra Young Business Woman Award winner; regularly features in the media and has written two books with very catchy titles – ‘Advance to Go - Collect $1Million dollars’ and ‘Retired at 27- If I can do it anyone can’. She delights in sharing what she’s learned over a 20-year entrepreneurial journey and currently heads up a number of businesses - most notably her mortgage and finance broking company Up Loans.

Host - Michelle Cox
Guest - Kirsty Dunphey


Useful links;-

Connect with the very talented Kirsty here;-



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If you have a burning topic you’d love society to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on our podcast, drop us a line at