One Question

One Question

REINVENTION with Tess Brouwer

December 17, 2024

This is one special interview. What better way to finish the 5th season of my show than getting to sit down face to face with a dear friend in my home, on my couch. I knew it would be a real & raw conversation - full of such wise learnings and it did not disappoint.

My guest today is one of the most beautiful humans you could ever meet. The divine Tess Brouwer is a practitioner of positive psychology and wellbeing and the CEO of Awake Academy, a business she runs with another formidable human, Layne Beachley. As a former corporate athlete and now a mum, stepmum and mental wellness mentor, Tess complements Layne’s expertise with her deep understanding of corporate dynamics and mental wellbeing. They are making such an impact on the groups of people they are working within their business, they decided to write a book in order to reach more and I wanted to dive in deeper with her. 

As you’re about to hear, Tess has an incredible story that involved rebuilding her life from a life-changing spinal cord and brain injury. Combining that with her extensive experience as a senior executive, Tess specialises in fostering resilience, mental fitness and effective communication within corporate and home environments.

Her story is very unique and it’s quite extraordinary she’s not only here with us today, but thriving in the way she is and positively impacting so many others - it’s a privilege to call her my friend. 

Buy their new book here: Awake Academy

For more information about Tess, check out these places;-

Website: Awake Academy

Instagram: Tess Brouwer

Linkedin: Tess Brouwer

Head to for more information about the ONE QUESTION podcast, your host or today’s guests

Connect with Michelle on Linkedin here:- @MichelleJCox

Connect with Michelle on Instagram here:- @michellejcox

Connect with Michelle on Facebook here - @michellejcox

AND, if you have a burning topic you’d love people to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on the One Question podcast, please get in touch;-