One Question
DON’T BE DEFINED BY YOUR JOB TITLE with Marija Dukadinovska
If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?
“I wish people in society would speak more openly about their dreams and desires rather than allow society to dictate what they should be doing and how their career should look like.”
Throughout your life have you ever felt the need to do something just because someone else wants you to? Perhaps it’s wearing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, or going to a party or an event you really don’t want to.. but how would you feel if that was your career?
Something you spend most of your waking hours doing, and it was a job you hated. You only really got into it because you felt the pressure of others convincing you that’s what you needed to do with your life. There’s a growing trend with professionals across many sectors - law, finance and medicine who are disillusioned with their career choice and feeling the pull toward doing something they love, vs what they feel everyone else wants them to do.
My guest today works in this space every day and she’s making a change in helping those who feel the pull to do more of what they love and move away from what others tell them to do. Marija Duka is a speaker and workshop facilitator who works specifically with lawyers helping them to uniquely design their careers. She is a commercial lawyer, with both in-house and private practice experience, having previously worked for renowned Australian brands.
Marija is also the host of The Career Confidence Podcast, designed for those in the legal profession looking to step out of the traditional path and build fulfilling and purposeful careers. Whilst I have a bit of experience in re-inventing yourself, this is a topic I’m keen to hear more perspectives about, so let’s meet Marija.
For more information about Marija, check out these places;-
- Website:
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram:
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AND, if you have a burning topic you’d love people to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on the One Question podcast, please get in touch;-