One Question

One Question

INTIMATE FRAUD with Tracy Hall

September 03, 2024

If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?   

“We need to talk more about money. Making it, investing it, losing it.”


My guest today has a story quite unlike anything I’ve ever heard before… actually, it seems unbelievable. Sadly, it’s all true and as you’ll hear, the ordeal that this beautiful unsuspecting single Mum has been through made such an impact on her life - she’s now using that for good. 

Tracy Hall is an author, keynote speaker and senior marketing executive. In 2019, Tracy became known as Hamish McLaren’s famous ‘last victim’ thanks to her role in The Australian’s hit podcast, ‘Who the Hell is Hamish?’  If you haven’t listened to it, I’d highly recommend you do - it’s riveting and to think that Tracy’s situation instigated such an in-depth investigation to occur around the globe has you gob-smacked at the audacity of this guy. 

Over the last 25 years, Tracy has had extensive exposure to start-ups, large corporations and global tech brands including Virgin Mobile, eBay, GoDaddy and Afterpay. She frequently consults for smaller companies, volunteers as a teen mentor for The Raise Foundation and is a Board Director for the Men’s Mental Health Charity - Mongrels Men.

Today, Tracy is an advocate for financial wellness, writing and speaking publicly about intimate fraud, scams, financial empowerment, victim mindsets, resilience, rebuilding and our need to rethink how we trust. Her book, The Last Victim is a riveting read and eye-opener to how the world of fraud, scams, and being taken advantage of can happen to any one of us. This is an incredible story that provides such a different take on this ever-growing topic. 

Order Tracy’s book here: The Last Victim

For more information about Tracy, check out these places;-


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