One Question

One Question

SOBER AWKWARD with Victoria Vanstone

May 14, 2024

If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be? 

“As a culture why do we feel the need to top-up our personalities with booze and not be our authentic selves socially?” 

Victoria Vanstone is the host of Sober Awkward, a popular comedy podcast that tracks two former party animals as they navigate life without booze. Victoria started writing on the day she gave up alcohol and became a renowned over-sharer on her blog The reformed ‘party girl’ is now on a mission to help others who are stuck in a pattern of normalised social binge drinking.

Originally from Reading in the UK, Vic now lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with her brood of uncontrollable children, a rather confused dog, and a very patient husband. Victoria's first book 'A Thousand Wasted Sundays' is out now and I was super excited to meet her - I hope you love this conversation as much as I did.

**If you’re in New Zealand, Sober Awkward are doing a live show on May 30, 2024. See website for details**

For more information about Victoria, check out these places;-

Websites: drunkmummysobermummy

Instagram:@drunkmummysobermummy @soberawkward 

Linkedin: Victoria Vanstone


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AND, if you have a burning topic you’d love people to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on the One Question podcast, please get in touch;-