Vroom Vroom Veer with Jeff Smith
Roger Whitney – Retirement Answer Man (BOV)
Roger Whitney is the Retirement Answer Man and he believes you can create a great life that balances living well today AND living well tomorrow by have the right little conversations about money. Over the last 24, years he has worked directly with clients on this journey.
Roger Whitney Vroom Veer Stories
The traditional idea of retirement is ready for bed, what's next?
How to find balance between living well today while planning for the future
GenXers have an opportunity to create a new idea about work/life/money
3 things everyone can do right now to plan a better future
The idea of retirement is started in the 50's when people were physically used up
Many people are failing to plan and feel they NEED to work
Let's create a life we don't really want to retire from
Independence and flexibility is what we want, not traditional beach/golf version of retirement
Work can now be fun and fulfilling
Fulfilling work improves mental and physical health
Financial Planning: Sacrifice your life now vs. Sacrifice your life tomorrow
Investing works well at preserving and growing wealth overtime
How can I invest in myself to help me create more wealth
There is only so much "frugalling" one can do; we can create more wealth
Invest in skillset, professional network
Traditional Financial Planning depends on a perception of perfection
Let's manage through uncertainty
How to have little conversations before they become big conversations
Roger Whitney Links
Roger's Podcast and Blog