VoxTalks Economics

VoxTalks Economics

Latest Episodes

S6 Ep29: The next generation of research
July 21, 2023

From the PSE-CEPR Policy Forum at the Paris School of Economics, Tim Phillips meets three of the young researchers who were chosen to present to the conference. Duncan Webb and Thiago Scarelli of PSE, and Carmen Villa-Llera of the University of Warwick ta

S6 Ep28: Aghion: Is green growth possible?
July 19, 2023

Is innovation our best hope for dealing with climate change and, if so, how can we stimulate the sort of innovation that we need to make the green energy transition? Philippe Aghion tells Tim Phillips that we need both carbon tax and industrial policy and

S6 Ep27: Johnson and Bozio: Can research influence policy?
July 14, 2023

From the PSE-CEPR Policy Forum at the Paris School of Economics. The IFS in the UK and the IPP in France combine rigorous research with a commitment to communicate the results to media and public. How do they make sure their message cuts through the noise

S6 Ep26: Blanchard: What caused US inflation?
July 12, 2023

From the PSE-CEPR Policy Forum at the Paris School of Economics. What caused inflation in the US, where will it settle, and how much unemployment will be the cost of bringing it back to target? Olivier Blanchard talks to Tim Phillips.

S6 Ep25: Duflo: Development in the 21st century
July 07, 2023

In the first of a series of podcasts recorded at the PSE-CEPR Policy Forum at the Paris School of Economics, Esther Duflo talks to Tim Phillips about how development economics can respond to the challenges of the 21st century, the link between climate jus

S6 Ep24: Do economists slow down as they age?
June 30, 2023

Is economics a young persons game? Great mathematicians tend to peak early, but not great artists so which category does a professor of economics fall into? Dan Hamermesh has investigated the productivity of economists as they grow old, and he tells Ti

S6 Ep23: Immigration and public goods
June 23, 2023

Voters fret that immigration overcrowds local schools, overwhelms hospitals, and that they will have to pay higher taxes as a result. Are those fears justified? Anna Maria Mayda and Mine Senses have separated fact from fiction, and they tell Tim Phillips

S6 Ep22: The impact of trade sanctions
June 16, 2023

Do Europes trade sanctions hurt Russia, or do they hurt European firms more? Gauging the impact of sanctions isnt easy or reliable, but Jean Imbs tells Tim Phillips about a new way to estimate their effects, and what it tells us about the economies of R

S6 Ep21: How male and female economists collaborate
June 09, 2023

When there are more women in the workplace, that means either more gender diverse teams, or more collaboration between women. There are more female economists now, so how is that reflected in the way researchers collaborate? And what type of teams produce

S6 Ep20: Power and progress
June 02, 2023

Digital technology, and AI in particular, is getting a lot of hype at the moment. Daron Acemoglu thinks that unchecked techno-optimism is concentrating power in the hands of a super-wealthy elite, threatening the livelihoods of the rest of us, and undermi