Tales from the Cabin

Tales from the Cabin

Grandma Gatewood’s Life and Legacy

June 29, 2024

Grandma Gatewood was an Appalachian Trail pioneer. In 1955, at age 67, she set off to escape an abusive relationship and blazed a path that inspires women to this day. 

A new project seeks to create two bronze statues of Grandma Gatewood. one at her gravesite and one adjacent to the Appalachian Trail.

I interviewed renowned sculptor, Bridgette Mongeon, whose work appears at the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame®, in numerous other celebrated public spaces, and at private gravesites about her initiative and the importance of honoring Grandma Gatewood as a way to keep her legacy strong.

Learn more about the project online

Visit the Go Fund Me page

See Bridgette Mongeon’s sculpting process and portfolio

 Photo of Emma “Grandma” Gatewood by Stratness – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27551090

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