Drag Queens at Your Public Library and Your Personal Liberty

November 17, 2019

The screwballs on the Left would tell us, it’s teaching your children to be more diverse and accepting. The Leftie whackos in Texas, bill this as just an innocuous activity. These predators calculate that the public senses something is not quite right. So, they manipulate perceptions and create confusion about what they are really doing. The purpose is to breakdown boundaries in children’s minds and help them see this as normal through gender-bending messages. Sid Bowdidge, his new book “A Rush to Judgement: A Journey with Trump, God, and Love”: the book describes an insider's view of running Trump's Ground Campaign across the country.
“Miss Kitty Litter” the Drag Queen with a Criminal Record at your Public Library
According to one of the gay performing readers, he said “Drag Queen Story Hour” is going to be the grooming of the next generation.” He defined “grooming” as teaching people to be tolerable, to be patient, to be loving,” but “grooming” means something far worse in a sexual context, that parents should stay vigilant to make sure that sex offenders are not “grooming” their children. Susan Price is an Investigative Researcher, a Patriot a Veteran Advocate and Gold Star Mother. 
Brain-Washing and Grooming Young Kids with Drag Queen Story Hour at the Library!