Voice-Over Journey podcast
ACX Audible Audiobook VO Talk – Voice-Over Journey ep 02
The Voice-Over Journey podcast, episode #02 – ACX, Audible, and Audiobook talk with Al Kessel.
Another podcast produced by Wayne Henderson: Media Voice-Overs.
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Episode #02 of the Voice-Over Journey online radio talk show / podcast:
> Discussions about ACX.com, Audible, audiobooks, and VO tips.
> Special interview with Al Kessel from Storyteller Audio Productions.
> Connect with Al on Twitter and Facebook.
> Listen to samples of, and purchase audiobooks narrated by Al Kessel, in iTunes. Affiliate link.
> Al's Elance profile.
> Al's Just Because: Inside the Voice-Over Studio podcast.
> Al's YouTube channel.
> We talked a bit further about our previous episode's interview with Rick Moyer, where Rick talks about Elance.com.
[easyazon_link identifier="B00NJ1NGAI" locale="US" tag="tuninginwithw-20"]The Adjustment Team, by Philip K Dick. Narrated by Al Kessel. Amazon affiliate link.[/easyazon_link]
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Copyright 2015 by Wayne Henderson: Media Voice-Overs
*The Media Voice-Overs podcast store is an affiliate Amazon.com store which provides small commissions to help defray some of the costs of producing this show for you.
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