Voices of Experience

Dancing With Disruption
It's a word that can send a shiver down the spine of an organization. But "disruption" happens every day, Naomi Boyd says, and that isn't a bad thing. As she takes the helm of the Daniels College of Business, the new dean says higher education is due for a shakeup. On this episode of the Voices of Experience podcast, Boyd outlines what it takes to create an environment that sparks innovation—a quality that is key to her vision for Daniels. Plus, she explains how a leader should listen to a diverse group stakeholders—and how to know when it's time to stop listening and take action.
Table of contents • 2:13 Transitioning from arts to academia • 3:43 The aftermath of breaking glass ceilings • 5:51 Servant leadership in higher ed • 6:58 Keeping everyone happy • 8:55 How much listening is too much? • 10:20 Goals for Daniels • 12:24 "Disrupting" in a supportive way • 14:21 Teaching students to deal with disruption • 15:23 What should people expect from you as dean? • 16:45 Life outside the office • 17:58 "This is where I am." • 19:38 Show notes and credits