Radical Self Belief

Radical Self Belief

RSB154 How To Level Up In LockDown

September 05, 2021

Episode 154 Levelling Up In Lockdown / the 3 core areas we can choose to find flow and evolve during the most unpredictable times and redefine a sense of freedom by making the most of the time and space we’ve all been granted in a weird way it’s like referring to the fact that fisherman mends their nets in a storm. So too is this an ideal time to reverse engineer the dynamics of stay at home and look at all the stress you wish you could have worked on before:
Such as
1: expand on what you’ve always said you wanted to learn - music, cooking, gardening, art, culture, more time with mastering the art of self and reading books and elements you never had time for before / even though it’s been a couple of years I bet there are many elements you have still procrastinated on making happen - what can you build, master and create?
2: Decluttering and up/levelling life admin such as finances, personal areas of business and growth, old albums and family history, old items that take energy in your home and headspace that are outdated. Where can you learn more to navigate your future abundance and remove outdated systems etc. what’s in the plan for the next?
Well-being and your mindset mojo - whether we like it or not we don’t have definitive answers of when, how and why when it comes to times of great unrest / but the gift lies in harnessing the ability to find peace from within. Your own ecosystem. Choose which perspective you will fine tune / swipe left on negativity, doom and gloom / you’re safe - and you can create harmony even in the greatest of storms.
Learn how to do all of this and get in the driver’s seat of your mindset and life with Radical Self Belief my latest book. A doing book for great change with grace from within. http://booktopia.kh4ffx.net/oeyVog