Radical Self Belief
TMM114 How To Survive Lock Down With Family
Tips For Purpose, Presence and Staying Sane In Close Quarters
No matter how zen you are, getting into a small space with people, with no real break during stressful times can be a challenge for anyone.
– Setting up a “safe zone” for me time (no matter how small your house)
– Don’t eat all the chocolate Mallowcakes at once
– Why communication matters & Structure is crucial
– Creativity and self expression – without annoying those close to you.
Welcome to a COVID-19 message on staying sane when you are suddenly all at home.
Me and my isolation buddy Roxy dog here, we just wanted to leave you a little message around how to not kill each other on captivity. I know it’s a really terrible expression but a lot of people have reached out to me they’re like, “Oh my god, suddenly I have to work from home and I’ve got all my family here and my kids. How do we make this work”
Especially if you’re a business owner, as you’re going through dire straits at the moment, you need a clear head.
How do you just create a little bit of space in the chaos to stay grounded so that you can make some good decisions and keep your cool?
Number one is, you can’t wing this.
Coping is not a strategy. Yes, we have to be on purpose in your days and your weeks regardless. It doesn’t matter if you are working from home or working from Timbuktu.
What do you need to be achieving?
How do you best think/work?
Create a Zen Space at home
Get you creative space, your “me” time. It has to be just a little corner of isolation that’s a sacred space in the house then make that your Zen space.
When we go into hotel rooms, or we go into beautiful yoga studios, or maybe go into retail stores we’re like, “Oh, look how nice they’ve got a little corner area where you can just sit there and have a cup of tea.” Why not create something like that.
That’s just like the safe zone in your house. When someone’s in the safe zone, you don’t go and interrupt their space.
When they’re in the safe zone they get uninterrupted 10 or 15 minutes of YOUR time.
Please don’t make the toilet your safe zone. Make it a place where you want to hang out, make it comfy and make it cozy. It could be like a nook in the window sill with some plants. It’s up to you to get creative. You’ve got time to look on Pinterest for that.
Most importantly is creating a space that is sacred where you have the ceremony to go and have some “me” time. Don’t try and work on top of each other. It just won’t work. It doesn’t matter how big a space you have. There is just an inch of that real estate that is just going to be for someone to go and get some time out.
Clearly Communicate
You can’t expect people to know what you need or want if you don’t tell them so bottling everything up and getting frustrated is on you.