Visions of the New Earth

Visions of the New Earth

The Earth Game

November 25, 2023

The Earth Game


  • Humans live in a reality shaped by collective imagination, manifested through energy application. This experiment in collective creation is the Earth game.
  • Every individual contributes to this reality’s design and evolution, with each generation shaping and advancing the game.
  • This exploration aims to answer: “How can humans create better lives in a better world?” by analyzing the current state of the game and envisioning a ‘new earth’ aligned with the highest good for all.

Understanding the Current Game:

  • The Matrix symbolizes the existing realities or the structure of modern society and operates under the authoritarian and capitalistic games.
  • The rules dictating this reality were created by people and are subject to change.
  • Humanity was initially given a simple law: Do no harm.

Challenges of the Current System:

  • The existing authoritarian and capitalistic games within The Matrix create and overemphasis on competition which leads to division, conflict, and control battles, resulting in overconsumption, disconnection, wars, inequities, and greed.
  • Morpheus’s depiction from “The Matrix” encapsulates the feeling of being trapped within limiting belief systems that create a mental prison.

Vision of the New Earth:

  • The ‘New Earth’ entails transparency, collaboration, and a shift from competition to collaboration in managing and sharing resources.
  • The aim is to break free from the mental and societal constructs of the Matrix, allowing for a world without controls or limitations, where humanity can thrive in alignment with the highest good.


  • This exploration doesn’t predict humanity’s future but aims to open minds to the potential of a different world.
  • Despite moments of feeling like a distant fantasy, humanity can quickly shift belief systems when presented with new perspectives.

Note: The podcast invites listeners to explore the possibility of a ‘New Earth’ and urges them to dive deeper into envisioning and creating a world aligned with the highest good for all.
