Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

244 Daily Dose | How To Navigate Imposter Syndrome

November 22, 2022

If you have ever felt like..

  • You have doubts that your success was warranted. Maybe it was luck.
  • You don’t feel deserving of being in the spot you’re in or singing praise for your wins
  • Feel like someone is going to find out about “the real you” sooner or later.
  • Trouble taking compliments 

If so, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome, right along with an estimated 70% of the population. That’s right — those feelings are shockingly common, but no one talks about them!

One disappointment or moment of uncertainty is often all of the proof you need to convince yourself that you’re not good enough or shouldn’t be doing the work you’ve chosen to do. 

Imposter syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success

Nobody is immune.

I’ve dealt with it many times, especially in working with Visionary Clients.

Like right now, I am building the marketing strategy for a million dollar company. The founder of the company is a marketer, so I really feel like I have no business giving him ideas.

My reminders to myself right now are that…

  • Everyone suffers from imposter syndrome but nobody has MORE or LESS rights to delivering what you do!

  • You’re not an imposter if you’re creating in service of others (I believe Seth Godin first said this!)

  • It mostly happens when I am teaching beyond my knowledge, or copycatting someone else's material

The problem with Imposter Syndrome is that it undermines our ability to feel joy for what we’re building and creating each day, and we feel bad when we’re promoting ourselves shamlessly.

In this episode, I crack into the topic.

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