Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

Revealed! The Top 10 Health Upgrades for Entrepreneurs with Dr. Navaz Habib

June 16, 2022

Do you believe that there’s a correlation between our HEALTH and the success of our BUSINESS?

According to today’s guest, Dr. Navaz, there sure is. In fact, he’s lived it.

Dr. Navaz knows first hand that changing your state of health can drastically change your output as a business owner… When he found himself tipping the scales at 250 pounds, he knew he needed to make a change.

He transformed his health and his energy levels over the coming months using several of the strategies that we discuss in today’s episode… and in turn, Navaz also managed to accelerate the growth of this business-- seeing a 100% increase in revenue in just 1 year.

Dr. Navaz practices as a Functional Medicine Practitioner - working with a range of clients, including CEOs, entrepreneurs, executives and professional athletes to optimize their health, vitality and performance. 

He’s also the author of a book called Activate Your Vagus Nerve, which shares information on how to Improve the function of the most important nerve for your health. You’ve probably never even heard of it right?