Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

Visionary Life | Marketing & Business Podcast

111 How I Quit my Full Time Job

May 20, 2020

4 years ago, I pulled the trigger & left my FT job in pursuit of my own business!

It wasn't easy,

But it was TOTALLY worth it.

Before I had the tough conversation with my boss, I made sure to put a strategic plan in place so that I would be supported and confident as I made this massive shift in my life.

I made sure to...

  • Review my current expenses
  • Assess where I could make cuts to my monthly budget
  • Plant seeds for new freelance clients
  • Utilize my skills & strengths to land new part time gigs...

But most of all, I had to believe in myself. I had to trust that it WAS possible.

If you've been considering a similar pivot, you'll love this episode.

Learn more at

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