Virtually Speaking Science

Virtually Speaking Science

Jennifer Ouellette & Janna Levin - mar 13,2013

March 13, 2013

Jennifer Ouellette hosts theoretical astrophysicist Janna Levin. They'll be chatting about the latest on black holes, the sounds of the early universe, Alan Turing and Kurt Godel, how writing fiction is different from nonfiction science writing, her unusual career trajectory (including how she met her musician husband), and so forth. Janna Levin ( is a theoretical astrophysicist (Barnard College of Columbia University). She studyies black holes, chaos, and the early universe; is the author of "How The Universe Got Its Spots" and "A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines"; the latter won a PEN award. She's given a TED Talk on the sounds of black holes ( and has appeared on The Colbert Report, Through the Wormhole, NPR, RadioLab, and other venues.