Virtual Book Tour

Virtual Book Tour

Blake Crouch has seen the future.

July 12, 2022

After listening to today’s episode, Blake Crouch will have you questioning everything. Are the biggest global corporations run solely by AI? Could gene modification make it so we can all run a 4-minute mile? Is Blake really writing fiction, or are his books actually just futures that haven’t become realities…yet? Our 3peat author is here today to blow our minds and talk about his new novel Upgrade

Upgrade tells the story of Logan Ramsey, the son of an ambitious geneticist whose goal of improving upon nature instead killed hundreds of millions in the Great Starvation. This novel explores the pros and cons of gene editing and shows readers that sometimes evolution can be a real downgrade if you’re not careful. 

Get Upgrade at New members get their first book for just $9.99 with code VBT at checkout. 

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