An Unusual Way to Lose Your Virginity-Final Podcast of Voice from an Urn - VIGALAND

June 12, 2016

Chapter 9 & Final Podcast of Voice from an Urn
In Chapter 9 of Voice from an Urn, at the age of 7 Viga has a dreadful fall that costs her her virginity. Only her father sees humour in it. 4 years later, he will make the loss of her virginity a reality, but not be falling on a fence. The details of that part of her life was told in the book, “NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER”. Since the story told by her mother in VOICE FROM AN URN, and the author never fully believed her mother knew what went on, those details couldn’t be included in VOICE FROM AN URN. 
With this podcast, we bring podcasts of VOICE FROM AN URN to a close on VIGALAND. Those who want to read the rest of the story and find out just what Viga’s mother did or didn’t know, need to purchase the book, in printed or digital format from her website at or from Amazon, iBooks or other online distribution sites.
This is NOT the end of VIGALAND podcasts! Plans for future podcasts include excerpts from Viga Boland’s first and second memoirs, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER and LEARNING TO LOVE MYSELF, along with posts from her blog on child sexual abuse and incest, COMING OUT FROM UNDER. As well, Viga Boland will be sharing reviews of other authors’ memoirs she has read, along with excerpts from those memoirs.  So stay tuned. Lots more to come! And now, a listen to CHAPTER 9 of VOICE FROM AN URN. It’s a long chapter so we cannot post the full transcript here. Anyway, it’s all in the book! Why not purchase your copy now?
Bogdan is waiting with Viga in the car. He waves impatiently, urging me to hurry up. I don’t want to hurry. As tired as I am on this last day of a work week at Peak Freans Biscuits, I enjoy the company of Yola and my new Australian girlfriends. They make me smile.
“Hurry up!” Bogdan yells as I get into the car. “We have to get Viga to a doctor.”
I look anxiously at Viga as I slide in next to her in the car. She is sitting awkwardly, crookedly. She tries to smile at me but pain floods her face.
“Oh my God! What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Tell your mama what you did,” Bogdan orders as he pulls into traffic and speeds off.
“I fell,” Viga says stiffly as if it is hurting her to even talk. “On a fence,” she adds, starting to cry. Tears pour down her face. I pull her to me and kiss her head, brushing her hair away from her face.
“What fence? How? What happened to her Bogdan?”
“She was being disobedient as usual, ” Bogdan explains. “You know how many times I’ve told her not to climb trees, fences? So just as I pull up to get her from Alisha and Ted’s place, I see her and Linda walking the brick fence around their lawn. As she spots me, in her rush to get down, she slips and falls straight down onto the iron gate behind her. That’s what happens when you’re disobedient, isn’t it Viga?”
Sniffling, Viga nods her head and buries it deeper into my chest. “Hurts,” she tells me.
“Down there,” she cries, indicating her vagina. “Hurts a lot.”
At the doctor’s, Bogdan insists on being in the room with me while the doctor examines her vagina and bottom. I am horrified at the extent of the bruising. Her little bottom is swollen to twice its size, as is her vagina,