View from the Gutters Comic Book Club

View from the Gutters Comic Book Club

Singles Club #4 — Holy F*ck

April 07, 2015

Welcome to episode 4 of Singles Club! This is our new short-format show where every so often one of our hosts will take a little time to talk about a small-press, indie, or webcomic. If you have an independent work you’d like to share with us, send us a link or digital copy at

This week Tobiah takes a look at Holy F*ck, by Daniel Arruda Massa and Nick Marino. Published by Danger Zone—an imprint of Action Lab Entertainment—Holy F*ck is available both in print and digitally from You can find out more at their tumblr page.

Holy F*ck is a sassy humorous comic about Jesus fighting Zeus and Isis, with the help of a nun and a devil. You can find some preview images below.
