View from the Gutters Comic Book Club

View from the Gutters Comic Book Club

Episode 111 — God Hates Astronauts

March 27, 2015

We’re attending Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle this weekend, so you get the episode a little bit early. This week on View from the Gutters our topic work is God Hates Astronauts, by Ryan Browne. Initially launched as a webcomic in 2007, the series was collected reprinted by Image as God Hates Astronauts, Vol. 1. In 2014 the series was relaunched as a print series, the first collection of which has been released as Volume 2.

The series is a crude and absurd satire of superhero comics. It follows a group of heroes called the Power Persons Five through a series of inane and insane adventures, most of which revolve around petty revenge. The comic is over the top in every way imaginable both in art and story, in a way that honestly defies brief summation.

However if you are amused by concepts like King Tiger Eating a Cheeseburger (his actual full name), centaur astronauts, or the dad from Family Matters with gorilla arms, this comic might be for you.

In our recommendation section, our hosts nominated The Brave and the Bold, The Strain, Black Widow, and Sexcastle for discussion on the next episode, and our selected title is Black Widow, Vol. 1 & 2.

Our hosts for this episode are Andrew Chard, Joe Preti, Tobiah Panshin, and Cade Reynolds.

If you are at ECCC on Saturday and would like to say hi to us, we’ll be having an informal meet-up.