Victory Briefings

Victory Briefings

Latest Episodes

VB011 Hearing, Believing, and Speaking
July 01, 2024

You should read the Bible every day as a part of your survival plan. Fill your heart to abundance with the word of God. In these last days you should make a commitment to walk in the Word. ...VB011

VB128 These Things I Say
June 24, 2024

If a lamp in the house is not burning, then it is not shining. The lamp is there but there is no light. Many people are like that. They are lamps, they have the capacity to be lights, but they are not shining. ...VB128

VB127 Deep Things
June 17, 2024

I am amazed that so many Christians, and even pastors, are not interested in depth, but would rather dangle their feet in the shallow end the pool. To me, there is nothing more exciting than the deep things of God. ...VB127

VB126 Shalom, Shalom
June 10, 2024

Christ is the peace, the one and the only peace there is. My heart is under the authority of the peace of Messiah and His anointing! Thank you, Lord, that we were called to shalom in the body of Christ. ...VB126

VB125 Authority To Release God’s Power
June 03, 2024

Peter didnt ask God to heal this man. He believed the Lord had already done His part, and had placed that power within him. Now it was Peters responsibility to release that power, and thats just what he did. Our words of authority release Gods power!

VB124 The Grace of Our Lord
May 27, 2024

This grace is found only in a person, the Lord Jesus. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is accessible only through an ongoing personal relationship with Him. ...VB124

VB123 Think And Do
May 20, 2024

When you allow yourself to think ugly thoughts, you have let your guard down, and given the enemy access to your mind. Then temptation comes and bad things happen. ...VB123

VB122 Distractions
May 13, 2024

The devil likes to distract us with everything about life, to keep you out of the details of true life! I have said for years, Any thing that stands between you and your Bible, is your enemy! ...VB122

VB121 Deceitful Riches
April 29, 2024

Your spiritual well being determines how difficult it is for the enemy to advance in your life. We must work with Holy Spirit and allow Him to prepare our hearts in order for the Word of God to remain fruitful. ...VB121

VB120 Passover
April 23, 2024

Solomon said: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter: but the glory of kings is to search out a matter (Prov. 25:2); So Gods glory remains hidden in His Word, but the believer as king-priest may search for it.One of the richest and deepest mines o
