Victory Briefings

Latest Episodes
VB162 You Shall be My Witnesses
So, do you want to share the gospel and witness to others, yet you hold back as if you are not sure you want to do this because of fear of rejection, or fear of failure?
VB161 How To Be Saved
We dont have to focus on our sin in order to be saved! Confession of sin is for after we are born-again, when we slip and need to get back on track (1Jn 1:9). Use this podcast as tool.
VB160 Renewing The Mind
Finding Gods will for our lives is not difficult when we obey the command of these two verses. Its impossible to miss Gods will once we commit ourselves to God as living sacrifices and begin to renew our minds.
VB159 Commit Your Works
Left to our own understanding, we will think all of our plans are okay. But in the light of Gods Word, our foolishness is revealed. It is crucial that we constantly keep the light of Gods Word turned on in our lives.
VB158 Gird Up The Loins
The world is in turmoil. Things are getting pretty confusing in these last days in which we live. Situations around us are becoming more stressful day by day. Lawlessness abounds and many people do not know which way to turn as the day of our Lord approac
VB157 Bless The Lord
Have you ever wondered why, in Luke chapter 5, when the paralytic was lowered through the roof, the scribes and Pharisees freaked out when Jesus forgave the man of his sins?
VB156 Happy New Year
If you get anything, get wisdom, of the power of words. We see plenty of evil that words have caused, but faith-filled prayer and worship are the most powerful toward good.
VB155 Think On These Things
When you allow yourself to think ugly thoughts, you have let your guard down given the enemy access to your mind. Then temptation comes and sin arises.
VB154 Pulling Down Strongholds
The mind is the battlefield in which thoughts and reasoning contrary to Gods Word are to be captured and submitted to Christ, our Commander. Just as enemy soldiers are captured in war, so rebel thoughts must be taken captive and made to submit to Christ.
VB153 Take No Thought
I refuse to speak words of worry and doubt. I live in a flesh body, but I am not at war with flesh. My weapons of warfare are not physical, but on a spiritual level, powerful and capable through God, able to pull down and demolish any strong point or argu