Vic’s Vision

Vic’s Vision

Latest Episodes

High Function vs High Wellness
May 17, 2023

Here we have a discussion that demonstrates how we often cover issues under the veil of high function with real life examples. Together, we realize a simple shift in our perspective that we can implement TODAY to improve our personal wellbeing and that of

High Functioning ≠ Wellness
May 16, 2023

Here we have a discussion that demonstrates how we often confuse high functioning for wellness with real life examples. Together, we realize a simple shift in our perspective that we can implement TODAY to improve our personal wellbeing and that of those

You are not your thoughts
February 25, 2023

Today we explore a simple but powerful concept that I think can never be emphasized enough. Your thoughts are not your being or consciousness, so they should not solely dictate your life. There are various ancient texts that discuss this and various pract

Chip on your shoulder?
January 27, 2023

Are you someone who pushes through everything by any means necessary? Maybe a rough upbringing that put a chip on your shoulder? In this episode I simply explore my thoughts regarding grit, and how that strength unchecked became a major weakness.

Being Uncomfortable
March 20, 2021

Our finest moments are products of our most deeply uncomfortable times

August 31, 2019

Art is not only in music and paintings, I envision a breakthrough on how you can channel yourself to create your unique art right now!

Water Your Own Grass
May 30, 2019

Feeling like everything’s falling apart? I envision a breakthrough on understanding how to fix your own situation instead of wishing you were in somebody else’s

Taking Risks
March 20, 2019

I envision you breaking down the the barriers that are preventing you from living the life of your dreams today!

Personalize Your Journey
March 04, 2019

You are a guru! Nobody knows your life better than you! I envision a breakthrough on how you can personalize your journey today!

February 18, 2019

What drives your competitive spirit? I envision a breakthrough on understanding your motivating factors today!