Vintage Homeschool Moms

Vintage Homeschool Moms

Novel Education

June 15, 2022
Novel Britifield series | Eduation through literarture with CR StewartNovel Education ~ Episode 469

Can you teach using literature? What about teaching using a novel? Special guest Chad Stewart discusses how history, geography, and many other topics including critical thinking are just a few things that are experienced within the pages of a book.

Visit novels by CR Stewart here

Education covers a vast amount of topics and likewise, the teachers and methods vary. In today’s culture parents are concerned with the quality of available reading materials that are family-friendly. Enter the Britfield series and author, Chad Stewart (pen name CR Stewart). There are currently three books in the series. All of the novels have a rich historical backdrop and are each in a different geographical setting. Book 1 has a study guide available on the Britfield website.

Due to the adventure-type of setting and family-friendly content, children of all ages are immediately engaged. The adventure series continues throughout each book and a significant aspect of the series is the decisions the children have to make, often that are dire. This helps the reader with critical thinking and is a great launching pad for parents to discuss.

One thing I (Felice) would suggest is reading the book yourself and having an engaging conversation with your children about the content, decisions the children make, and alternatives to the plot. Subjects covered among just a few are historical perspective, geographic location, international travel, family situations, heritage, and family trees, as well as adventure and suspense.

There are plans for full-length movies, plays, and much more. Britfield the Return of the Price is releasing August 2022.

The post Novel Education appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.