Vintage Homeschool Moms

Vintage Homeschool Moms

Unlocking Learning Potential

July 08, 2024
Unlocking Learning Potential Begins Today | Are you ready to learn how to free your child from the grips of learning struggles and focus on unlocking learning potential | #podcast #homeschoolpodcast #NoahsArk #TheFlood #Episode527 #UnlockingLearningPotentialBeginsToday #UnlockingLearningPotentialUnlocking Learning Potential Begins Today ~ Episode 528

Are you ready to learn how to free your child from the grips of learning struggles and focus on unlocking learning potential? In this episode, Felice Gerwitz interviews special guest Dr. Tim Conway, Ph.D., and discusses NOW!® (the Neuro-development of Words), The Morris Center, and The Einstein School; you won’t want to miss it!

I receive some interesting emails from time to time with requests for interviews. Over the year about ninety-nine percent make it to the trash, but this one caught my eye. Dr. Conway owns and operates the Morris Center, which has helped those with dyslexia with great success. In fact, the parent of a student who went through the program was in contact with me about her child’s success.  My own children were struggling learners (some of them), and my background in Elementary Education, Early Childhood, and Specific Learning Disabilities (as it was called then) prepared me in some ways and hindered me in others. As educators, we were instructed to “teach to the child’s strengths.” But what about the child’s weaknesses? How do we remediate and not compensate?  

In this podcast, we will discuss:

Dyslexia defined 

Warning signs and red flags that your child is struggling and needs early intervention. (Intervention at any time is beneficial.)

How to test and screen for dyslexia, Dr. Conway shares how.

How to determine effective intervention. 

The key role of Occupational Therapy in language development.

Dr. Morris noted that family history is instrumental in uncovering the likelihood of learning struggles, with an 80% increase in the likelihood of a parent who struggled in some way. He shared some ways to conversationally ask young children different questions (repeat after me) in identifying potential struggles. We learn to read with different strategies, from sounding words out to memorizing words that can not be sounded out (visual memory and auditory memory). Some children leave out sounds, repeat a sound, or perhaps reverse sounds. These are ways to identify struggling learners as well. (Much more on the broadcast.)

Resources for Unlocking Learning Potential: 

NOW! Programs -Advice, Support, and Praise Group

Neurodevelopment of Words- NOW Programs

The Morris Center

YouTube Channel – Unlocking Learning Potential 

The Morris Center Clinics 

NOW Programs  

TED Talk


The Morris Center 

The NOW Program 

Dr. Conways research 

The post Unlocking Learning Potential appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.
