Vintage Homeschool Moms

Vintage Homeschool Moms

Top Ten Movies For Christmas

November 27, 2023
Top Ten Movies For Christmas | What movies make it to your top ten movies for Christmas? I wonder if our lists are similar. In this podcast, I will share my favorite movies and how I use them to teach deeper truths. As my children say, "Mom can make anything into school! | #podcast #homeschoolpodcast #Blessingsfromheaven #LastMinutePlanningForTheHolidays #TopTenMoviesForChristmas #TopTen #MoviesForChristmas #TopTenMoviesTop Ten Movies For Christmas ~ Episode 509

What movies make it to your top ten movies for Christmas? I wonder if our lists are similar. In this podcast, I will share my favorite movies and how I use them to teach deeper truths. As my children say, “Mom can make anything into school!”

Hurry, our offer won’t last. Get our Advent Calendar, with Scripture verses and suggestions for notes from Mom and Dad all 24 days leading up to Christmas.

When you think of movies, you may have a particular type, mainly as Hallmark has monopolized the Christmas movie theme over the years. They have Christmas in July, Christmas countdown, and Christmas movies all day. But my list only contains two Hallmark movies, both oldies. There are different reasons we think of movies as favorites. One of them is while entertaining, they contain an element of truth.

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Characterization and acting are other important factors. As my children grew older, our movie list changed. When my first two children were little the staples were limited to It’s a Wonderful Life, the Charlie Brown Christmas, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and Frosty the Snowman. Only one of those movies now makes it to my top ten.

Christmas Movie Personal Preference

If you asked my kids, they’d add Home Alone to the list. As a mom, I can not watch that movie. All I could focus on was that they left their kid behind. I panicked with the mom frantically trying to get home and irritated with the uncle who wanted to stay and enjoy Paris! My favorite part was the great scene at the end when the mom and son are reunited, and then everyone comes home. Also, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie for all teens and young adults, contrary to making it on many top ten lists!

So, what makes it to my top ten list?

  1. It must have a heartfelt message.
  2. The spirit of Christmas, or the true meaning of Christmas (which, as Christians, we know is Jesus Christ) permeates the film.
  3. Family is essential, if not a central theme.
  4. Giving of self for others.
  5. Entertaining

As I share my top ten movies for Christmas, let me first share ones that did not make the list but are family favorites:

A Boyfriend for Christmas. We enjoy it for entertainment’s sake, but I am not a big fan of Santa Claus as “real” in any form…I know, don’t hate me. But we find it funny, so it is on our top watch list. It also has family as a central focus and good characterization.

I’ll Be Home For Christmas — sappy but funny. The kids see the problems cheaters get into, and the consequences, while funny, are serious for this young man. As the movie progresses, he changes for the better, and the children can see the growth.

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer — yes, another Santa movie, but who doesn’t love that the misfit toys get a home? The old movies focused on helping all those less fortunate without turning it into something ugly or politically correct. This movie shows that it can be done in a way we all embrace.


Top Ten Movies For Christmas Countdown:

10. Miracle of 34th Street  – yes, Santa is depicted as “real”, but I love the idea of family here, and the spirit of Christmas, love, and joy (which comes from Christ permeates this film.) I spoke to my children about the parallel of believing and the importance of prayer. The blessing, something the child wished for, is translated into prayers and perseverance.

9. The Christmas Card — okay, bear with me. This was before my son joined the Army, and still, our hearts went out to the soldier who was lost, craved a family, and found his dream come true in a card a random stranger sent. This has a happily-ever-after ending, and my children still quote parts of the movie. Here the emphasis is on the importance of spending time, even for strangers, and the benefits it brings to those in service.

8. The Bells of Saint Mary’s– a black-and-white film about the true meaning of Christmas and accepting God’s will in our lives.

7. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is classic CS Lewis and has an underlying theme of good vs. evil and the importance of wisdom and faith.

6. Holiday Inn  – a true old-time classic with singing and dancing. I grew up with a family that loved these movies.

5. White Christmas is another old movie about the strength of friendship and the deeper truth of the meaning of the season, especially as Christmas songs were sung and remain classics today.

4. Christmas Carol — I’m sure most of you have this on your list. The haves and have-nots are classic, but the brokenness and loneliness of many at this time of the year are portrayed well. The important lesson of being joyful even where there does not appear to be a reason for joy is shared well.

3. The Star — this movie was one of our network sponsors when it first came out, and while a cartoon and silly in many instances, this still shows the Holy Family’s trials and the animals’ heroic efforts in saving them. Surely it is a stretch of the Bible narrative, but it is well received by children with many lessons of good vs. evil.

2. The Fourth Wise Man – you may not have heard of this movie, but it is a tear-jerker. This is a fictional account of the magi who didn’t make it with the other three, yet the Lord used him in a mighty and powerful way. It culminates at the time of the crucifixion, yet I still consider this a Christmas movie for the older kids. Watch it first before showing it to younger children, although this movie should be on everyone’s list with the stuff they watch these days. It shows the extreme sacrifice does not go unrewarded.

1. The Nativity is my all-time favorite. So many scenes here bring to light the reality of what the Holy Family must have endured. You see the selflessness of Joseph, the trials of Mary, and the steadfast love of family. My favorite scene is an encounter with a poor shepherd on the way to Nazareth.

Ready to fire up the popcorn? One thing we did recently, thank you, son-in-law, Bill, for telling me about it. We took our extensive DVD collection and ripped them onto a Plex system. We can now stream our movies through our TV.  We place movies we have purchased, and so many DVDs now come with streaming. I’d rather have my collection in one place than use streaming services, and I can organize them on my computer by category.

I pray you have a blessed Christmas, and beginning with this collection and adding your own, I’m sure your focus will remain on the reason for the season! If I didn’t mention a favorite of yours please post your suggestions below.

The post Top Ten Movies For Christmas appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.