Verge of the Fringe

Verge of the Fringe

Lessons from The Dude and Jack Kerouac

October 07, 2013

photo-266.JPGI thank both "The Dude" and my man Jack Kerouac for teaching me how to write autobiographical fiction...
Recorded on the third floor balcony of the Zane Grey Estate with the Marantz PMD620 and "Run, Jack, Run" shot on my iPhone.
 9:37 / 9.3 MB  RatedR (Mature LanguageThemes and Ideas).
Please be advisedNot for all tastes.
Verge?d=yIl2AUoC8zA Verge?d=dnMXMwOfBR0 Verge?d=7Q72WNTAKBA Verge?i=x4pv1J6zrjY:_C7oWQMaeRE:V_sGLiPBpWU