Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Latest Episodes

VZ 057 - How to Grill Like a Vegetarian
July 20, 2014

Summertime, and the grilling is easy…with the helpful vegetable-grilling tips you’ll hear in this podcast episode.  There are many vegetables, fruits and meat alternatives that do great on a charcoal or gas grill, but there are some tricks to getting

VZ 056 - Explaining Vegetarian Choices
July 13, 2014

Becoming a vegetarian or vegan is a very personal choice. Some may have ethical reasons, some health, some environmental. If you follow a plant-based lifestyle, you may or may not choose to share your reasons with others. This episode of the podcast is b

VZ 055 - Kids and Vegetarianism
July 06, 2014

Scenario #1: You’re interested in adopting a plant-based diet, but you have kids who may or may not jump enthusiastically on the veggie train. Scenario #2: One day, out of the blue, your child announces that (for whatever reason), she wants to be a veg

VZ 054 - “Fed Up” Documentary Review
June 29, 2014

“Fed Up” is a powerful new documentary from Katie Couric, producer Laurie David, and director Stephanie Soechtig. The premise of the film is both simple and complex: what if everything we’ve been told about diet and exercise for the past 30 years is

VZ 053 - The Soy Controversy
June 22, 2014

To soy or not to soy, that is the question! Soy is an ancient food source.  It’s been used in Asia for 5000 years.  3000 years ago, fermentation techniques were developed that helped to make soy more easily digestible, in the form of miso, tempeh and

VZ 052 - Sugar
June 15, 2014

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we’ll be discussing sugar.  By the time we say goodbye, you’ll have learned about the six different types of sugar and some of the negative effects that sugar has on our bodies.  You’ll also discover

VZ 051 - Help Your Body to Detoxify Naturally
June 08, 2014

“Detox” and “cleanse” diets are all the rage these days, and the idea behind them can be very enticing.  Who doesn’t want to think that your insides are squeaky clean and healthy?  We bathe to keep our outsides fresh, so why not “bathe” in

VZ 050 - 50 Episodes of Vegetarian Zen
June 01, 2014

  Wow!  It’s hard to believe we’ve reached 50 episodes of the Vegetarian Zen Podcast!  In this episode, we take a look back at how far we’ve come.  We revisit our purpose for starting this journey and discuss some of the many lessons we’ve le

VZ 049 - Fruits and Vegetables That Will Keep You Hydrated
May 25, 2014

Summer is nearly upon us.  Down here in South Texas, it's already steamy and hot.  We all know that staying hydrated is important, and even more so during the warmer months.  But, besides drinking plenty of water, did you know that eating certain fruit