Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Latest Episodes

VZ 301: 5 Awesome Health Benefits of Potatoes
March 24, 2019

There are several foods that cause a lot of controversy regarding their overall healthiness. One of these foods is the potato. If you Google “Are Potatoes Good for You?” you’ll find plenty of articles

VZ 300: Meal Subscription Boxes with Danielle Fried
March 17, 2019

Danielle Fried (who we affectionately call “Listener Zero”) has been a friend of ours for almost as long as we’ve been podcasting. She became a vegetarian very close to the same time we did (about 6 years ago) and was one of the first people to reach o...

VZ 300: Meal Subscription Boxes with Danielle Fried
March 17, 2019

Danielle Fried (who we affectionately call “Listener Zero”) has been a friend of ours for almost as long as we’ve been podcasting. She became a vegetarian very close to the same time we did (about 6 y

VZ 299: How to Marinate Tofu
March 10, 2019

Tips and Recipes Ideas for Tasty Tofu! Back in episode 8 of the podcast, we talked “All About Tofu”, explaining what it is and sharing a few tips for cooking with it. 291 episodes later we’re back with another round of tofu talk,

Ep 299: How to Marinate Tofu
March 10, 2019

Back in episode 8 of the podcast, we did an episode titled where we talked about what it was and gave a few tips for cooking with it. Today’s episode was inspired by our Peas and Carrots member Ron K

VZ 298: The Art of Intarsia with Sherri Lewis of Sundog Wood Murals
March 03, 2019

Intarsia, Baby Rhinos, and Baby Elephants! We’ve made it a goal for 2019 to share more interviews with members of our Vegetarian Zen community. This week we are happy to welcome artist Sherri Lewis to share her wonderful art and insights with us.

VZ 298: The Art of Intarsia with Sherri Lewis of Sundog Wood Murals
March 03, 2019

We’ve made it a goal for 2019 to share more interviews with members of our Vegetarian Zen community. This week we are happy to welcome artist Sherri Lewis to share her wonderful art and insights with

VZ 297: The Konmari Method for Your Home and Life
February 24, 2019

This year, Netflix launched a new show called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” which is based on the best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Marie Kondo is an organizing consultant and “ti...

VZ 297: The Konmari Method for Your Home and Life
February 24, 2019

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we’re going to talk about how Marie Kondo’s method of organization, called the Konmari Method, can help you declutter your home and your life!

VZ 296: What To Do If You Find a Stray Cat or Dog
February 17, 2019

Several weeks ago, we found a stray dog at a park near our neighborhood. It was a stressful experience for us because once we were able to contain him, we weren’t sure exactly what we should do.  Listen to our story here: Summary of  Tips Provided in t...