Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 317: Your Guide to Vegan Eggs and Egg Replacers

July 14, 2019

Since vegans are folks who do not eat any animal products whatsoever, eggs are something that are not on the menu. If you’re thinking, “But wait! I know I’ve seen vegan egg dishes and baked goods! What do vegans use instead of eggs?” In this episode of the vegetarian Zen podcast, we’re going to cover that question and also talk about some popular egg replacements. Now, you don’t have to be a vegan to appreciate this episode. Some egg replacers can be a yummier and, in some cases, healthier replacement so even if you use these substitutes every now and then, you may be pleasantly surprised!  And of course, when we have topics such as this, we love to curate some recommendations from the folks in our Peas and Carrots Group (our closed Facebook Group)!