Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

The Best Darn Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili…Seriously Ya’ll! (VZ 339)

December 15, 2019

What’s better than a BIG bowl of vegetarian chili? How about a BIG bowl of Instant Pot vegetarian chili!
Here’s why…
But first, a quick disclaimer from this Texan who takes her chili VERY seriously!
Since traditional Texas chili doesn’t call for beans or veggies, we’re going to be taking some liberties with the recipe.  The reason we’re making this Instant Pot chili with vegetables is to ensure that it’s packed with nutrients. Not only is our chili tasty but it’s chock-full of good stuff, too! 
One last note before we talk about chili. The only thing that makes this recipe “vegetarian” rather than “vegan” is that you can add cheese or sour cream on top. Obviously, you can leave these out if you’d like. That would make this recipe vegan!
You can listen to the podcast here where we discuss our recipe or read on for a quick summary!
Why we LOVE Chili!
Chili is great for many reasons. Here’s why we love it so much:

Easily customizable to tastes (as spicy as you want it to be)
Easily customizable to eating preferences (mixed households can have meat on the side)
Easy to batch cook
Great reheated 
Can be used as a topping or as a meal on its own

Why we LOVE Our Instant Pot! 
The recipe we’re talking about today will call for an Instant Pot. You don’t absolutely need one, BUT this kitchen appliance can make life soooo much easier, especially for batch cooking.  Here’s the model we use…

What’s the Difference Between an Instant Pot and a Slow Cooker? 
Unlike a slow cooker (crockpot), an Instant Pot is multi-functional: you can use it to steam, saute, cook, and warm.  It could seriously take the place of several appliances!  Therefore, an Instant Pot makes this a one-pot recipe since it can do everything but chop the veggies!
So without further ado, here is a link to our recipe!
Adding quinoa to this recipe ups the protein. If you choose to add some beef-free meat crumbles such as Beyond Meat, you’ll add some extra texture and protein, too. 
We hope this episode has not only inspired you to try some vegetarian chili but has also inspired you to pull out the Instant Pot and put it to use! It really is a great appliance to have in any kitchen! 
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Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa