Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

8 Vegetarian and Vegan Thanksgiving Main Dish Ideas (VZ 334)

November 10, 2019

Well just like that, we’re already into the November and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  I’ve mentioned in the past that Larissa and I tend to be “just the sides’ type of gals. This year though, we’re looking for a genuine vegetarian or vegan main dish ideas that we can take to our family get together. 
So, with a little help from our private Facebook group, The Peas and Carrots Society, here are some of our top contenders!
The 8 Contenders for Our Vegetarian Thanksgiving Feast!

Roasted Vegan Thanksgiving Bowl from I Love Vegan 

We are HUGE fans of bowls (as evidenced by our own book “Buddha Bowls The Vegetarian Zen Way.”
So when we found this recipe by I Love Vegan, we know it was worth being on our list!
From their site:
“Easy peasy vegan Thanksgiving in a bowl! Roasted veggies, toasty pecans, mashed potatoes, and easy vegan gravy, all in 1 bowl and ready in less than 1 hour. Serves 2.”

* Vegetable Pot Pie from Vegetarian Zen

This is one of my favorites! Larissa makes this with a traditional pie crust but she makes a separate one for herself (and for her dad when he visits) that has a thicker biscuit topping.  
Definitely a great comfort food and the leftovers heat up very well!


Vegan Meatloaf from My Darling Vegan

Total cook time is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. When I became a vegetarian, there were a few things I knew I would probably miss primarily because I grew up eating these meals. One of these meals was meatloaf.
Of course, as I started learning more about eating meat-free, I found to my happy surprise that there are a LOT of different ways you can recreate some of your favorite meat dishes without  meat.  Meatloaf is one such recipe that isn’t too hard to recreate. 
There are quite a few recipes out there but I liked this one because it has a maple tomato glaze that looks amazing. 

Thanksgiving Risotto from Whole Foods

* Gluten free
* Dairy Free
* Vegan
* High Fiber

Who doesn’t love a good Risotto? This one is made with several fall favorites to include pumpkin puree, brown rice, roasted pecans, sage, and cloves. It looks hearty enough to be served as a main dish for your vegetarian Thanksgiving but can be great as a side or for potlucks .

Vegetarian Stuffed Acorn Squash by Cookie and Kate

The first time I had a vegan stuffed acorn squash, I was working in corporate and our company Thanksgiving celebration included some vegan options. Once such option was stuffed squash.
I had never had stuffed acorn squash and when this plate came out of the kitchen, boy were my omnivore friends jealous. 
This recipe from Cookie and Kate is close to the one I had. 
The recipe is vegetarian but can easily be made vegan by omitting the cheese. 
The stuffing consists of quinoa, hulled pumpkin seeds, and cranberries to name a few of the ingredients. 

Mushroom and Spinach Quiche  from The Vegetarian Times

One of my favorite vegetarian dishes is quiche. Light and easily complimented by most sides,