Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

The Rise of Vegan Businesses with Jonny Edwards of Nuzest-USA (VZ 313)

June 16, 2019

Vegan Businesses are BOOMING!
Yes, it’s true! Vegan businesses are on the rise!  When Larissa and I became vegetarians in 2013, there weren’t nearly as many vegan businesses or products on the market as there are today. I remember looking for vegan fashion and was very disappointed at the lack of available products.
Flash forward to 2019 and we seem to be in a vegan product and services boom! It’s so encouraging to see new choices popping up in so many different industries.
Meet Jonny Edwards of Nuzest-USA

Today on the show, we are excited to talk to Jonny Edwards, the CEO of one such vegan company, Nuzest-USA.  You may recall that we recently partnered with Nuzest-USA because we liked their products and mission VERY much!
In this episode, we talk to Jonny about how he became vegan, how he became CEO of Nuzest-USA, and what trends he sees in vegan businesses.
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A Special Thanks To Our Sponsors:

* Buddha Bowls: The Vegetarian Zen Way

Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa