Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

World Environment Day 2019 (VZ 311)

June 02, 2019

When is World Environment Day?
World Environment Day is a day designated by the United Nations to bring awareness to environmental issues and wildlife crime. It’s celebrated on June 5th every year. Over 143 countries participate annually.
The World Environment Day website states, “Above all, WED is the ‘people’s day’ for doing something to take care of the earth. That can be local, national or global. Solo or in a group.”
Each World Environment Day has a focus theme and a “host” nation. This year, the host nation is China and the theme is “Beat Air Pollution.” The first World Environment Day was held in 1974 and the theme was “Only One Earth.”
Some past themes have been:

Beat Plastic Pollution (2018)
Connecting People to Nature (2017)
Go Wild for Wildlife (2016)

How You Can Participate This Year to Help Beat Air Pollution
Here are some general examples of ways to help reduce air pollution:

Use public transportation or car sharing, ride a bicycle, or walk
Switch to a hybrid or electric vehicle and request electric taxis
Turn off the car engine when stationary
Reduce your consumption of meat and dairy to help cut methane emissions
Compost organic food items and recycle non-organic trash
Switch to high-efficiency home heating systems and equipment
Save energy: turn off lights and electronics when not in use
Choose non-toxic paints and furnishings

This year, the UN is also calling on everyone to join the “Mask Challenge.” Wearing a face mask will let world leaders know that breathing clean air is important to their citizens.
Here’s how to participate in the challenge:

* Between May 24th and June 4th, make a pledge and challenge others to take action

Take a photo or video of yourself wearing a mask to post on social media
Don’t have a mask? Get creative and make your own!
In your post share the action you’ll take to reduce air pollution
Tag 3 people/organizations/ companies to challenge them to do the same
Use #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatAirPollution in your social media posts and don’t forget to tag @UNEnvironment

2. On World Environment Day, show how you have fulfilled your pledge!

* Take another photo or video of yourself fulfilling your commitment and post it on social media
Use #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatAirPollution in your social media posts and don’t forget to tag @UNEnvironment and @vegetarianzen

We hope we’ve helped to bring awareness to the existence and importance of World Environment Day. We plan to make our World Environment Day podcast episode a yearly event to spread the word about the theme and encourage our listeners to participate as a community.

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